2012年2月21日 星期二

Re: Lack of knowledge

The more I work, the more I find out how little I know. I feel that today I would have killed that patient if I were there alone. I could think of 10000 things which I can do now but now it's all too late. I could have called for a med call immediately. Anyway, thank god I don't have the responsibility yet. Tonight, I started studying again fearing that something bad will happen tomorrow. My aim is to study 200 conditions by the end of June. It shouldn't be too hard. I think I should get Alex, Jack and Ninan involve. It will be easier if we all do it together. Kam Sau, how are you doing in Hong Kong? I miss you. I hope you don't finish too late tonight. Please look after yourself for now. 

I feel happy when I feel that I am a competent doctor. 

